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Created by Ganesh C C, Modified on Thu, 29 Dec, 2022 at 4:04 PM by Ganesh C C

TypeName of the APIBureau EndpointDescriptionRequest ParamtersResponse DescriptionDocument Link
Pan Document Verification/v1/suppliers/ocrPerforms an OCR on the PAN card image and extracts the data.docType - The Type of document for the OCR, Pan
front - The front image of the document.
ageBracket - The age bracket of the user adult/minor
dateOfBirth - The date of birth of the card holder.
documentNumber - The number on the Pan card
documentType - Category of the Pan Individual/Companies
docConfidence - Confidence in the text extracted from the document
issuedOn - Date on which Pan card was issued on
name - Name of the Pan card holder
parentName - Parent name of the pan card holder
validation - Validation if the 5th Letter Matches 1st Letter of First or Last Name
face - blur and face confidence
Pan Government Check (Basic)v1/suppliers/doc-verificationPerforms a govt database check and returns a flag to indicate if the Pan is valid along with the Pan card holder's namedocType - The Type of document for the govt database check, Pan
docNumber - The PAN number of the user
name - Name of the card holder at the source
status - flag to indicate if the Pan is valid/invalid
Pan Government Check (Advance)v1/suppliers/pan-profilePerforms a govt database check and shares the detailed information.pan - The PAN number of the user
aadhaarLinked - Flag to indicate if the pan is linked to aadhaar
buildingName - Address of the Pan holder
streetName- Address of the Pan holder
city - City of the Pan holder
state - Address of the Pan holder
pinCode - Address of the Pan holder
locality - Address of the Pan holder
dob - dob of the Pan holder
email - email of the Pan holder
name - full name of the Pan holder
firstName - first name of the Pan holder
lastName - last name of the Pan holder
middleName - middle name of the Pan holder
gender - gender of the user
isPanValid - flag to indicate if the pan is valid
phone - phone number of the Pan holder
Pan Authentication/v1/suppliers/pan-authenticationPerforms a match of the users detail with the sourcepan - The PAN number of the user
name - The full name of the user
dob - Date of birth of the user
dobMatch - Flag to indicate if the input date of birth matches at the source
duplicate - Flag to indicate if the PAN has been tagged as duplicate by Income Tax Department
nameMatch - Flag to indicate if the input name matches at the source
status - Status of Pan (Active/Inactive)
DL Document Verification/v1/suppliers/ocrPerforms an OCR on the DL card image and extracts the data.docType - The Type of document for the OCR, DL
front - The front side image of the document
back - The back side image of the document
dateOfBirth - The date of birth of the card holder.
documentNumber - The number on the Pan card
docConfidence - Confidence in the text extracted from the document
issuedOn - Date on which Pan card was issued on
validTill - Date till which the license is valid
licenseState - State in which the license was issued
face - blur and face confidence
DL Government Check (Basic)v1/suppliers/doc-verificationPerforms a governement database check on the DL and provides a basic information about the license holder.docType - The Type of document for the govt database check, DL
docNumber - The DL number of the user
dob - The data of birth of the user
address - Address of the DL holder
bloodGroup - blood group of the DL holder
dob - Date of birth of the DL holder
fatherOrHusband - Father/Husbands name of the DL holder
image - Base64 image of the DL holder
issueDate - Date of issue of the DL holder
status - Flag to indicate validity of the DL Card
validity - Validity of the license (transport/non-transport)
DL Government Check (Advance)/v1/suppliers/dl-verificationPerforms a governement database check on the DL and provides a detailed information about the license holder.docNumber - The DL number of the user
dob - The data of birth of the user
address - Address of the DL holder
bloodGroup - blood group of the DL holder
dob - Date of birth of the DL holder
fatherOrHusband - Father/Husbands name of the DL holder
image - Base64 image of the DL holder
issueDate - Date of issue of the DL holder
status - Flag to indicate validity of the DL Card
validity - Validity of the license (transport/non-transport)
covDetails - Type of vehicles permitted to drive (LMV, MCWG, Etc)
VoterID Document Verification/v1/suppliers/ocrPerforms an OCR on the DL card image and extracts the data.docType - The Type of document for the OCR, Voter
front - The front side image of the document
documentNumber - The number on the Pan card
name - Name of the VoterID holder
parentName - Parent name of the VoterID holder
face - blur and face confidence
VoterID Government Check (Basic)v1/suppliers/doc-verificationPerforms a governement database check on the Voter ID and provides a basic information about the card holder.docType - The Type of document for the govt database check, Voter
docNumber - The VoterID number of the user
age - The age of the VoterID holder
dob - date of birth of the VoterID holder
district - District of the Electoral Office
name - The name of the VoterID holder
gender - The gender of the VoterID holder
fatherName - The fathers name of the VoterID holder
pollingStation - The polling station of the VoterID holder
VoterID Government Check (Advance)/v1/suppliers/voter-id-authenticationPerforms a governement database check on the Voter ID and provides a detailed information about the card holder.epicNumber - The VoterID number of the user
name - Name of the card holder in English
relativeName - Name of relative in English
rlnType - Relationship type: "F" = Father, "H" = Husband
gender - Gender of the card holder
district - District of the Electoral Office
acName - Assembly Constituency applicable to the card holder
pcName - Parliamentary Constituency applicable to the card holde
state - State of the registered Electoral Office
dob - Date of Birth of the Voter Card holder as per EPIC records
age - Age of the card holder in Years
psName - Polling Booth Address applicable for the card holder
houseNumber - House number of the residence of the card holder
RC Document Verification/v1/suppliers/ocrPerforms an OCR on the RC card image and extracts the data.docType - The Type of document for the OCR, rc
front - The front side image of the document
documentNumber - The number on the RC card
docConfidence - Confidence in the text extracted from the document
RC Government Check (Basic)v1/suppliers/doc-verificationPerforms a governement database check on the RC and provides a basic information about the vehicle.docType - The Type of document for the govt database check, rc
docNumber - The vehicle number of the user
chassisNumber - The masked chassis number of the vehicle
engineNumber - The masked engine number
financier - Financier details if financed
fitnessUpTo - Vehicle fitness
fuel - Fuel type
insuranceValidity - Insurance details
insuranceUpTo - Insurance details
insuranceDetails - Insurance details
licenseAddress - Address of RTO
maker - Vehicle maker details
ownerName - Name of the owner
registrationDate - Date of registration
RC Government Check (Advance)v1/suppliers/rc-authenticationPerforms a governement database check on the RC and provides a detailed information about the vehicle.docNumber - The vehicle number of the user
blackListInfo - Blacklist information of the vehicle
blackListStatus - Blacklist status of the vehicle
bodyTypeDescription - Body Type of the Vehicle
chassisNumber - Chassis Number of the Vehicle
color - Registered Color of the Vehicle
cubicCapacity - Cubic Capacity of the Vehicle Engine
engineNumber - Engine Number of the vehicle
fatherName - Father's Name of Registered Owner of the vehicle
financier - Name of Vehicle Financier
fitnessUpto - Date of Validity of Vehicle Fitness certificate
fuelDescription - Vehicle Fuel Type
grossVehicleWeight - Gross Weight of the Vehicle
insuranceCompany - Insurer Name of the Vehicle
insurancePolicyNumber - Insurance Policy Number of the Vehicle
insuranceUpto - Date of validity of RC Insurance
makerDescription - Name of Vehicle Manufacturer
makerModel - Vehicle Model and Make
manufacturedMonthYear - Month & Year of Vehicle Manufacture
nationalPermitExpiryDate - Expiry date of the national permit of the vehicle
nationalPermitIssuedBy - Name of the body which issued the National Permit for the vehicle
nationalPermitNumber - National Permit Number of the vehicle
nocDetails - Vehicle No Objection Certificate details issued by RTO
nonUseFrom - Date of vehicle non use from
nonUseTo - Date of vehicle non use to
normsDescription - Vehicle Pollution Norms Description
numberOfCylinders - Number of Cylinders
ownerName - Registered Name of Owner
ownerSerialNumber - Serial Number of Vehicle Owner
permanentAddress - Registered Permanent Address of the Vehicle Owner
presentAddress - Registered Present Address of the Owner
pucExpiryDate - Expiry date of PUC certificate of the vehicle
pucNumber - PUC Registration Number of the vehicle
rcMobileNo - Mobile number registered for given RC number
rcNonUseStatus - Vehicle RC Non use status
rcStatus - RC status of vehicle
registeredAt - Location of RTO where the vehicle was registered
registrationDate - Date of Registration of the Vehicle
registrationNumber - Registration Number of the Vehicle
seatingCapacity - Vehicle Passenger Seating Capacity
sleeperCapacity - Maximum Sleeper Capacity
standingCapacity - Capacity of Standing Passengers in the Vehicle
stateCd - State code of the vehicle
statePermitExpiryDate - Expiry date of the State permit of the vehicle
statePermitIssuedDate - Date of issue of State Permit of the vehicle
statePermitNumber - State Permit Number of the vehicle
statePermitType - Type of State Permit issued for the vehicle
statusAsOn - Date of RC Status Verification
stautsMessage - Status message of vehicle
taxPaidUpto - Duration till the Tax on the Vehicle has been paid (Life time / One time)
unladenWeight - Unladden Weight of the Vehicle
vehicleCatgory - Category of vehicle
vehicleClassDescription - Description of Vehicle Class
wheelbase - Wheelbase in mm of the vehicle

Aadhaar Document Verification/v1/suppliers/ocrPerforms an OCR on the Aadhaar card image and extracts the data.docType - The Type of document for the OCR, Pan
front - The front side image of the document.
back - The back side image of the document
address - Address on the Aadhaar card
dateOfBirth - Date of birth of the user
documentNumber - The Aadhaar number of the user
docConfidence - Confidence in the text extracted from the document
gender - The gender on the Aadhaar card
name - The name of the Aadhaar card
validation - Additional validation on the aadhaar card, Image sent as Aadhaar back has same Aadhaar number as front
vid - a temporary, revocable 16-digit random number mapped with the Aadhaar number.
Aadhaar Digilocker/XML ServicesAPI's and SDK'sValidates the aadhaar number of a user on the Digilocker/UIDAI and returns the detailsAadhaar number of the user, which has to be added by user on Digilocker along with the OTP for authentication.name - Name of the user
uid - Masked aadhaar number
address - address of the user
dob - dob of the user
gender - gender of the user
photo - Base64 image of the user
PassportPassport Document Verification/v1/suppliers/ocrPerforms an OCR on the Passport image and extracts the data.docType - The Type of document for the OCR, Passport
front - The front image of the document.
Passport Governement check/v1/suppliers/passport-checkPerforms verification of the file number in passportfileNo - Passport application File Number as printed on the last page of the passport
dob - Date of birth as per Passport
passportNo - Passport Number
doi - Date of Issue as per Passport
name - Complete name of the passport holder
passportNumberMatch - Whether given passport number matches the number as per source
applicationDate - Date of application as per source
typeOfApplication - Application type [Normal or Tatkaal]
dateOfIssue - Object containing the dispatch date as per source
dispatchedOnFromSource - Date of Dispatch or Date of Counter Delivery of passport as per source
dateOfIssueMatch - If the date of Issue is within 2 days of date of dispatch
nameScore - Name match score
nameMatch - Whether the given name matches with the name as per source
surnameFromPassport - Surname as per Source
nameFromPassport - Given Name [First and Middle] as per source
EPFEPF UAN Lookupv1/suppliers/fetch-epf-uanUniversal Account Number (UAN) is being allotted by Employees' Fund Organization (EPFO), this api helps to fetch the UAN associated with a phone numberphoneNumber - Phone number of the user for whom uan needs to be fetched
uan - The uan number for the phone number associated with a user
EPF Authentication/v1/suppliers/epf-send-otp
This API authenticates the user's uan via an OTP and returns the EPF passbookuan - UAN of the user
OTP - otp received by the user to provide consent to fetch the details

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